Torrent is a method to download files that contain specific content like a movie, music, game, image, audio, etc. It is basically a file extension consisting of the texts and information about the trackers for the initiation of a download from the seeders (or the content distributors). It is helpful in downloading large files that are otherwise hard to get, owing to their protection under copyright and intellectual property right laws. Most nations consider intellectual property theft as a severe offense, due to which torrent also comes under scanner.
Torrent – Legal or Illegal?
There is a thin line between what makes it legal or illegal to download torrents. For example, if you are using a torrent client to download a Linux distribution, which is available free of cost otherwise and is not bound by any copyright law, it is legal. To the contrary, if you are using the pirate bay to download a ‘Game of Thrones’ episode, which is protected from copyright infringement, it is indeed illegal. Hence, if you are using a torrent to download a protected file, it has to be solely on your own risk. The possibility of being caught online during any such act cannot be ruled either. It is hence important to adopt due safety measures during torrenting.
Safe Torrenting measures
Here are a few indispensable tips on how to do torrenting safely so as to avoid any uninvited trouble:
1. Make sure to use a known torrent site like Kickass or Torrentz, both being public trackers.
2. Use clients that let you to download only selected files.
3. While downloading a compressed file, such as RAR, make sure to check out its content prior to extracting it.
4. In case there are only .txt or .exe files in a torrent, only download the file with .txt extension and avoid .exe files to protect your system from malicious .exe files.
5. However, if the torrent consists of only an EXE file, prefer downloading it on a test device and disconnecting it from the web. Scan it for the possibility of a virus and run the file. If it is virus-free, only then transfer or download it to your working device.
6. Use a reliable VPN service provider to add an additional security layer to your torrent downloads. This protects you while downloading copyright material from torrents, irrespective of location.
Why opt for Torrent VPN?
Along with adopting the important points for safe torrenting, protecting your activities via a Torrent VPN is highly recommended. However, most of the VPN services often log and save user details for account service optimization or for legal use. Therefore, the need is to avoid such service providers and opt for the torrent VPN that keeps you totally anonymous.
Here are various other prominent reasons that advocate the use of torrent VPN:
1. To protect your system from getting corrupted by viruses
2. To hide your identity if you are living in a country that is a pro in internet censoring
3. To work in anonymity especially if you are associated with some high-security work such as those related to banking, military, etc.
Torrent VPN at Smart DNS Proxy
Amidst a range of torrent VPN providers, you can always count on Smart DNS Proxy services for private torrent downloading. It is one of the prominent companies to offer quick, encrypted, and cost-effective VPN services. It secures your traffic with the help of PPTP, SSTP, L2TP, and OpenVPN protocols. You can use it on unlimited devices to download torrents and stream media from a preferred location through its VPN servers. It also offers 5 simultaneous VPN connections.
Smart DNS Proxy has its servers in multiple and unique locations where it is totally legal to proceed with the Torrent/P2P activities. Since the server keeps your Torrent/P2P traffic totally secure and encrypted, it is hard for any government or ISP monitor to keep track of your location. Furthermore, the company also offers you the facility of Smart VPN servers, which are a combination of VPN and Smart DS Proxy.
VPN Servers at Smart DNS Proxy
Check the list here for a complete list of Torrent VPN servers available at Smart DNS Proxy.
Signup Today
To know more about the Torrent VPN services at Smart DNS Proxy or to figure out the VPN server locations that could keep you anonymous the best way, feel free to signup today. As soon as you proceed with the signup, you will get entitled to the 14-day trial, 100% free of cost. If you find its VPN services good enough, which is but a surety, you can always choose a paid package depending on your preference.
* We love Torrents and we ensure securing all your Torrenting activities to the Max.