In one of our earlier videos, I showed you how to get IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes rating on Netflix using the RateFlix extension. But, after a recent Netflix update with the UI, none of them seem to work. Almost like lending your credentials to your friend and now Netflix doesn’t seem to work for them. For example, earlier, if you remember, when you hover your mouse over a title on Netflix, the information about that title appeared as a drop-down menu, but now it has changed to a popup.
This UI change also means the extensions like RateFlix don’t seem to work anymore, and you can see that from the latest reviews as well.
Enter Trim - it’s a new Google Chrome extension that adds IMDb & Rotten Tomatoes ratings on the newest update of Netflix. It works perfectly fine on desktop and if you are mobile; chances are you’re watching it on your TV or laptop but I will show you a way to get IMDb rating on smartphones as well.
To get started, install the Trim Chrome extension from the link in the description of the video.
Once done, head over to Netflix (if it’s already opened, then just refresh the page), and you can take a look at IMDb & Rotten Tomatoes ratings at the top-right corner of thumbnails on the Netflix Home page.
Clicking on the ratings will open IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes websites of that Movie or TV show directly. But it doesn't provide episodes wide ratings like the RateFlix extension used to show.
Anyhow, Trim has the option to fade out movies or TV shows with low ratings. To enable that, click on the extension icon and set the " IMDb rating Threshold" and "Rotten Tomatoes rating threshold" and click on the "Fade out low rated items" option.
This will fade out all the movies and TV shows that have a low rating than the threshold you have set. For example, I don’t want to see anything less than 6 IMDb rating, so I will set the threshold of 6 and above.
Apparently, there doesn’t seem to be any quick way to check IMDb or Rotten Tomatoes rating on your Android or iOS devices. As of now, I use Google Assistant (or you can use Siri if you have an iPhone) to find the IMDb rating.
Alternatively, if you want an Android app that will display IMDb ratings in the Netflix app, simply download Flutter form the Google Play Store. Open the app and tap on Configure settings > Manage supported apps > Toggle the Netflix option to On. Next, tap on the Activate Flutter button at the bottom of the screen. Next, Flutter will ask you to enable accessibility in the settings. Go ahead and do it. Once done, the next time you open Netflix app, you’ll see a small popup with an IMDb rating of that movie and TV shows.
So, that’s was quick update, unfortunately, there is no way to get IMDb rating for Netflix on TV, which is where we watch most of our TV. Google Assistant and Siri is the only option as of now. Also, check out our complete playlist on how to get Netflix outside the United States or a bunch of other streaming platforms. Sign up to Smart DNS Proxy to bypass geo restrictions on Netflix and watch more content.
Thanks for reading and watching.