In one of our previous videos, we talked about best TV shows available only on Netflix US. Today, let’s try something different. In this video, we will do the opposite and talk about the best shows that are available outside the United States.
And not just the shows - we’ll also show you a trick so that you can find good shows on Netflix and how to watch them. Let’s begin then.
So, the trick is quite simple and consists of 3 steps.
3 steps to find a movie with examples
Step 1 - Google a show or the movie that you want to watch, such as Knives Out. Type that on Google and add Netflix in the keyword. Now, you can see it in the search result but when you click on the Google link, it shows the movie is not available on Netflix, and there’s just a “Remind Me” button to let you know when it is available.
Step 2 - This means the movie is on Netflix but not in your country catalog. So, search it on Unogs to find the country that it’s available in. You can see it’s on Netflix Japan and South Korea, etc.
Step 3 - Switch to SDP VPN server to Japan or South Korea, and now refresh the Netflix page again. You’ll see it works flawlessly. By the way, you can follow the same steps on mobile or Smart TV as well. It should work everywhere.
So, now that you know the secret trick, you can find pretty much any movie or TV show you want to watch, on Netflix using a VPN. I’ll also share with you some of the popular TV shows and movies that are not on Netflix US and which country they are available. That said, this information gets outdated pretty fast, so if you like this kind of content, make sure you hit the subscribe button to see the fresh content as it is published.
Also, at the end we add some of our favorite bonus movies that are available in Netflix Canada, Japan, UK, etc. So, watch it till the very end to stay surprised.
So, let’s start with the TV shows first. We’re only including the best ones that have IMDb rating that is more than 8.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Most of you have probably have heard of this show, so we’ll keep it brief. The show is set in Brooklyn’s fictional 99th Precinct, which is overseen by the stern Captain Raymond Holt and his team of police. It’s a cop comedy show where they catch bad guys, participate in silly events and of course intrude in each other life. It’s a lot similar to Parks and Recreation as it’s from the same creator Michael Schur.
You can find it on Netflix Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Singapore, United Kingdom and a few more.
Orphan Black
The show features Sarah Manning, she witnesses the suicide of a woman who looks exactly like her. Sarah finds out the woman is a police detective Beth Childs, uncovers a shocking conspiracy — she is one of many clones who were part of an illegal experiment. It’s a Canadian sci-fi thriller, you should definitely check it out.
You can find it on Netflix Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany, India, and more
This iconic TV show stars Keifer Sutherland who is a counter terrorist agent called Jack Bauer. The cool thing about this show is that each season covers about 24 hours of his life in real time, which was pretty cool for its time. He’s a pop culture icon if you really think about be ironic or straight faced.
You can find it on Netflix Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and more.
Top Gear
The show that defined Saturdays for car enthusiasts like us starring some of the funniest host I’ve personally ever seen. James May, Richard Hammond and Jeremy Clarkson who defined the show’s tone and spirit. Sadly, it ended for us back in 2016 when Clarkson departed. It was a riveting show until then with many guests and their shared enthusiasm for cars.
Its available in Germany, Spain, France, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland and the UK.
Line of Duty
Speaking of another cop show, next up we have Line of Duty. The story follows a police anti-corruption unit - where the police polices themselves. Each season, or series in British parlance, investigates a new officer who is alleged to have broken the rules.
You can find it on Netflix Argentina, Australia, Canada, Japan, Singapore, United Kingdom and more.
This buddy comedy is about two mad lads who love precious metals and are on the hunt for it. We’ve seen a few episodes and it’s good as gold. It serves up a heaping dose of British humor with a side of heart to go with. Simply put, it’s really underrated.
Its available in Australia.
Sons of Anarchy
You probably already know about this show or seen it here and there. So, we’ll keep it succinct. It’s a show about bikers and their clubs along with the drama that comes with it. It’s a little hard to get into at first but picks up after season 2. So, if that sounds like your cup of tea, dig in.
Its available in Greece, Poland, Canada, UK, Spain, Portugal and a few more.
Red Dwarf
This geriatric TV show follows the low-ranking technician Dave Lister, who awakens after being in suspended animation for three million years to find he is the last living human, with no crew on board the mining spacecraft Red Dwarf, a hologram of Lister's deceased bunkmate, and Cat, a life form which evolved from Lister's pregnant cat. It’s a little obtuse but you might be into it.
It’s available in the UK.
So, these were the TV shows, as promised, and here are some good movies as well that we recommend you check out.
Only on Netflix Canada - Pulp Fiction, Senna
Only on Netflix Japan - Knives Out
Only in South Korea - Road to Perdition
Well, that’s about it. This was the quick trick to find interesting movies and shows on Netflix from all around the world. And some movies and shows suggestions that you should check out. Speaking of something to check out, don't’ forget to check out Smart DNS Proxy if you’re keen on unblocking geo-restricted content on sites like Hulu, Pandora, Amazon Prime, Netflix, HBO Max, Disney+ and many more.
Thank you for reading and watching. See you in the next one and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel.