Netflix has recently launched its first mobile games and also introduced a cheaper mobile-only plan for India, Malaysia and recently a few African countries as well.
So, if you are someone who watches Netflix mostly on your smartphone or tablet device, here are useful tips and tricks you can use to enhance your Netflix mobile viewing experience. And to make this video more interesting, we’ve divided this video in 2 parts - Netflix Basic Tips and Netflix Advanced Tips. You are watching Smart DNS Proxy and let’s get into it, shall we?
Before we begin with more advance stuff, let’s quickly go through small tips and tricks within the app that everyone should know about by now.
1. Adjust Brightness Level
While watching a movie or a TV show on the Netflix mobile app, you can tap on the left side of the screen to bring up the brightness slider, along with the other playback controls. Slide up your finger on it to increase the brightness or slide down to reduce it.
2. Picture-in-Picture Mode
Netflix mobile app supports picture-in-picture (PiP) mode on both iOS and Android, so that you can chat on WhatsApp without stopping what you are watching, but, before you can start using PiP mode on your device, you need to enable it on the settings page. On an Android device, go to the Netflix app info page and turn on Picture-in-Picture option under the picture-in-picture tab. On iOS devices, you can go to Settings -> General and enable Picture-in-Picture for apps.
3. Use Screen Lock
Next up, to prevent accidental touches on the Netflix app while you are watching something, you can use the smart lock feature. Simply, start a movie or a TV show on your Netflix mobile app, tap on the small “Lock” button that appears at the bottom of the screen when streaming content. That’s it. You can then unlock the screen by tapping the dedicated unlock button.
4. Access Info Page of Movies
In case you want to get information about a movie or TV show’s cast, director. Simply, tap on the “more” button will bring up a pop-up card, showing the names of the actors, directors, and other crew members involved in the production of the movie or TV show. Moreover, it also shows the maturity rating and genre of the content.
5. Download for Offline Viewing
Most of you are already using Netflix's offline download feature. This enables you to save your favorite content locally on your mobile device and watch them without a data connection. But, a better way to download is to use a smart download feature to better manage your offline content.
This feature will automatically delete an already-watched episode and download the next one on connecting to a stable Wi-Fi network. However, it is worth mentioning that the Smart Downloads feature only works on Wi-Fi.
Okay, so these were some basic Netflix tips and tricks that you can do through on the Netflix app. Now, let’s talk about some advanced Netflix tips.
6. Stream Netflix Together
If you and your significant other live in different cities due to the pandemic, then this trick will come in handy quite a lot. So, the only way to watch Netflix together on a smartphone is by using a Rave to stream Netflix together.
This is how you do it. Here are two phones - download the Rave app on both (it’s available both on Android and iOS), now open the Rave app, create a free account on both. Next, you will see a lot of options like Netflix, YouTube, Prime Video, etc. Select Netflix, start a show you want to watch with your partner of your friend and then share the URL via message or in any other way. That’s it. Now both of you can watch the same show together in real time. If you pause or skip to 10 seconds, it’ll reflect on both phones and can chat side by side. Do keep in mind that Rave requires both individuals to have a separate Netflix account or the Netflix plan with 2 or more screens.
7. Know the IMDb ratings
Netflix is all about Netflix originals and, to be honest, a lot of them are not that great. But, not all those movies and TV shows are worth your time.
You don’t have to go through the IMDb website to figure out which originals are worth watching. The best way to get IMDb ratings within the Netflix app is by using the flutter movie ratings for Netflix. Once you install the app and give it all the necessary permission, every time you open a show on Netflix mobile, a flutter pops up the IMDb rating on the side. The pop-up is non-intrusive and it disappears after a couple of seconds. For iOS, you can use Siri. There’s no such app as of now.
8. Delete Netflix history
For better recommendations, Netflix maintains a record of all the titles you have watched. That history cannot be viewed in the mobile app and the option to clear it is hidden under the surface.
Say, if you tap on ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ just for research purposes and now want to clear your Netflix history, you can do so by going to the Account section in the Netflix Mobile app. Tap on it and it will redirect you to the Netflix website. Over there, navigate to the “Viewing Activity” where you can see all your Netflix watch history. To remove an individual title, hit the icon beside it.
These were some of the incredible tips and tricks for Netflix mobile. Also check out our other videos on Netflix tips and tricks like how to watch Netflix on a non-smart TV or the best Chrome apps for Netflix.
As always, thanks for reading and watching, and subscribe to our YouTube channel to get notified about new videos.
See you in the next one!