
Smart VPN l julio 25, 2015

Security And Privacy Threats For Travelers That Are Irrefutable When Go Online

Are you a traveller or packing for a business or a holiday trip in any corner of the world? Then you must be cautious besides your luggage. Travelers also need to protect their laptops, tablets and other Wi-Fi gadgets so that their data remains safe and identity stays anonymous.

Despite of being an incredible source for a worldwide communication, Internet is still the electronic equivalent of the Wild West. When accessing sensitive information away from home, you need to guard your personal information and documents from any kind of theft.

Yes, it is an open world with dark eyes on you all the time. You got to be really cautious with your valuables - because you never know who’s waiting to get their hands on your invaluable pack of data.

Watch Out Travelers! Here Are The Best Tips That Will Surely Wrap You In The Layers Of Protection

Well, the risks are there and so as the solutions. Everybody likes to travel and party hard. The best security measures that prevent hackers and thieves from breaking into your personal accounts while traveling are:

1- Encrypted connections

Only provide personal or financial information through an organization's website, if you typed in the web address yourself and you see signals that the site is secure, like a URL that begins https (the "s" stands for secure) as it is especially important over insecure networks (such as public Wi-Fi access points).

In practice, encrypted connections provide a reasonable guarantee that one is communicating with precisely the website that one intended to communicate with (as opposed to an impostor), as well as ensuring that the contents of communications between the user and the site cannot be read or forged by any third party.

2- Say No to Phishing

When Internet fraudsters impersonate a business to trick you into giving out your personal information, it’s called phishing. The fraudsters may ask you to provide personal information in exchange for a lottery prize or an inheritance from an unknown relative. They will make the request sound very urgent and important.

You can take steps to avoid a phishing attack. Don’t reply to email, text or pop-up messages that ask for your personal or financial information. Don’t click on links within them either – even if the message seems to be from an organization you trust. It isn’t. Legitimate businesses don’t ask you to send sensitive information through insecure channels.

3- Protection Against Wi-Fi Eavesdropping

By default, Wi-Fi is insecure. Since most Wi-Fi hotspots don’t use encryption, providing no protection of your traffic at all, eavesdropping is likely more of a concern there than it is on private networks. It’s relatively easy to capture sensitive communication at the vast majority of public hotspots—locations like cafes, restaurants, airports, hotels, and other public places.

Eavesdroppers listening-in on your connections can view data traveling over an unencrypted network. They can snag emails, passwords, and unencrypted instant messages, and can hijack unsecured logins to popular websites. In other words, take hotspot security seriously. At least make sure that the sites and services you logged into are using SSL encryption.

4- Keep your Wi-Fi Gadgets Locked When Not In Use

You wouldn't go out and leave your front door wide open, right? The same principle applies to the devices that you use. You should always lock your screen when you finish using your computer, laptop or phone. Locking your device with a PIN or pattern helps to provide an extra layer of security for your data. Additionally, if a crook tries to by-pass your lock code, all he’ll see will be an encrypted data with gobbledygook.

Put your phone on a sleep when you are away…

5- Disable GPS Location Tagging

Geo-tagging that determines where you are and records the information along with the photos would be great if you want to keep the track of where you took your pictures. It’s one of the components that make photos more “social” when you shoot and upload a photo to Facebook with the location of your whereabouts.

But if you want to protect your privacy and keep your location undisclosed, geo-tagging isn’t really a good idea. Secure yourself, your family and your assets by turning off all geo-tagging and geo-location features.

6- Don’t Believe An Unprotected Public Computer

An unprotected computer is like an open door for computer hackers and predators. Their clever tactics and detailed technical knowledge help them access information you really don’t want them to have.

The solution is to simply use your own computer at all times. Considering the size and price of netbooks, tablets, and other Internet devices, it is no longer impractical to own a small inexpensive computer that you only use while traveling. In this way you can limit a thief’s access to your private information.

7- Surf Anonymously With a VPN

Here comes the modern savior. A Virtual Private Network (VPN) allows you to browse through the Internet anonymously from anywhere in the world. It creates a secure connection over the public Internet to provide networks at a remote location. And Yes! SmartVPN does it all. Our SmartVPN when installed into your laptops, tablets and smart phones, provides a shield of protection to your private data.

Armed Your Devices With SmartVPN at Home or Places…

It is obvious that traveling is incomplete without gadgets, and they are without Internet. So in order to prevent all your valuable gadgets and memories from any felon or eavesdropper - you need to turn on a VPN.

Get Smart DNS Proxy today and make your travel experience firm and hack proof. Sign up for 14 days free trial now.